So I was thinking about all the different times I've needed a song to lift me up in life, and about how DCB pretty much has it all covered. Right now I'm really singing Undignified. I'm all about dancing before the Lord (2 Samuel 6) and I am quite fine with being undignified for Him. But looking back, I see points in my life where all sorts of different DCB songs were like my "theme song" for that period. The first song of theirs that I really felt close to home was Everything Glorious. "My eyes are small but they have seen the beauty of enormous things, which leads me to believe... yeah there's light enough to see that You make everything glorious (repeat twice) and I AM YOURS. What does that make me?" Such a powerful message, especially to those who struggle with self worth. So the message to all of you is this: You are made by a glorious creator with a purpose, and you are loved as you are.
But moving on, (because after all, this blog is about me not you... =P) I'm looking at all these songs just thinking about how awesome DCB has been... I want to thank them for their touch in my life haha. Here is the latest installment DCB decided to make me tear up with, give it a look if you will (the music video is some awesome stop-motion work too, it's worth it), or don't. It'll be your loss.
Here are the lyrics:
(Verse 1)
Send me a sign
A hint, O whisper
Fill me with life
'Cause I am listening
Come break the quiet
Breathe your awakening
Bring me the light
'Cause I am fading
Surround me with the rush of angels' wings
(Chorus 1)
Shine Your light so I can see You
Pull me up, I need to be near You
Hold me, I need to feel loved
Can You overcome this heart that's overcome?
(Verse 2)
You sent a sign
The hint, O whisper
Human, divine
Everyone is listening
Death laid low
Quiet in the night is stirring
All around the rush of angels
O the wonder of the greatest love has come
(Chorus 2)
Shine Your light so all can see it
Lifted up, 'cause the whole world needs it
Love has come, what joy to hear it
He has overcome, He has overcome
Now if that isn't enough to make us wanna stand, shine and be undignified for Him, I don't know what will. SO MOVING.
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